Thursday 1 November 2012

Feedback from The Pitch

I thought that the feedback sheets were very useful and there have been some good comments. Here are some of the questions that were answered and the answers to them.

Originality of the idea?-

'Kind of a cliché story but an interesting twist with the use of flashbacks.'
'Doesn't sound the most original, sounds a good idea nonetheless.'
'Maybe add a twist? Could come across a bit redundant? Like the happy idea.'

Comments on the technical aspect of the idea- Does it sound achievable with the college equipment?

'Yes, really like your cinematography ideas. Fast paced editing.'
'Yes, but how will you be able to set up the lighting in the station?'
'Lighting-lot of it? Happy vibe.'

Does the idea sound realistic?

'Sounds like a very professional video idea.'
'Sounds really good for video and digipak.'

Comments on suitability for stated target audience-

'Sounds like it will suit the target audience fine.'
'Suitable for audience- song is more individual than mainstream but I think the narrative will entice a mainstream audience too.'
'Perfectly suitable for target audience.'

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