Thursday, 20 December 2012
For the location of my music video, we shall be filming in three different places. One of the places will be at Malvern train station where quite a lot of the filming will be taken, but most of the filming will be done in my mums school hall of the band. The third location will be in worcester town centre.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Costume and Props
Costume/Prop item
Potential cost
Person in charge
The Band= Ronin
The Band= Ronin
Chloe & Maria
Gardner Centre
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Risk Assessment
Potential Danger
Potential outcomes
Actions to avoid potential outcomes
Benefits to filing in this location
Do benefits outweigh risks?
Falling onto the train line
Serious injury and can get fined.
Stay far away from the track.
Maria and I will both be in charge of this
by making sure that people stay far away from the line and that they don’t
cross the yellow line on the floor.
Don’t trip over the equipment.
Get a cut and have minor injuries.
Always watch where you are going.
Make sure that there is always somebody by the equipment.
Falling off the stage
A minor injury
Always watch were you are going
Don’t stand too close to the edge of the stage
Friday, 7 December 2012
Plan A
The band have replied and have said that they are happy to be in the music video, so we shall be going with plan A rather then plan B.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Performers and Casting
I have just text some of my friends asking if they can be in the plan B and pretend to be a band. None of them have replied yet, but the people I have asked are quite reliable and should be available when it comes to filming.
Plan A and B
We have two ideas for our music video, plan A is to have the actual band performing in the background. We have contacted them through email and Facebook but at the moment they have not replied to either of them, so we are going to have a back up plan which is plan B. Plan B is to get some of our friends to do it instead of the band which we shall have to organise and make sure that we can get the equipment to use.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Focus Group
I have just posted my digipak onto the Facebook group so that I can hopefully get feedback from it, and things that they like and don't like.
Focus Group
Here is a focus group which I have made on Facebook, and I have added some of my friends to it and so has Maria. I have also added the lead singer of the Band to the group to get feedback from him, but also so that he constantly knows what is happening. The type of friends that I have added are suited to the target audience.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Some Ideas for the digi-pak Front cover
When it came to choosing which photo to use for my front cover, I couldn't really decide on which one to use so I choose the three images that I really liked and tried them on the template. Overall I decided to go for the bottom left one as I thought the photo looked a lot better and went well with the other photos more so then the other photos I used.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Edited Photos in Photoshop
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Draft idea for digi-pak
Here is my draft idea for my digi-pak which I drew out before I started anything. For the spine which I haven't put on here I am going to have a light grey background with the name of the band Ronin on there. As you can see the main photos are going to be taken in Great Malvern Train Station, as this is where I plan to film the video.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Research into magazine adverts
Here is a magazine advert by the music artist called Mika. I would say that he is an Indie/pop artist. I would say that this advert is quite entropic more so then redundant, because it is a very random design with what looks like a room then space behind it and it all falling into a black hole. As this is just a single page advert this could be showing that his target audience are not mainstream followers and are more of the individualists. I quite like how there isn't a lot of writing and it is simply telling us what we need to know and there is a bit of micro-marketing by it saying that it includes a single. I really like the font that he has used as it fits very well with the illustration that he has used. I think that because this advert is bright and colourful it will attract the eye. There is only a small image of the artist which is showing that the star image isn't important and that it is more about the music. I think that this advert will appeal to the target audience very much as the whole idea of it is very unique and hasn't followed the mainstream trend.
As you can see this is a magazine advert for the group called The Verve. I really liked the simplicity of this advert and how they have got a photo as the background. I also like the font that they have used for the name and the reverse colours. By the fact that it is just half a page is saying that perhaps they haven't got the budget that a mainstream artist would have, but this will soot the type of target audience. I would think that this is quite a redundant idea, as there isn't out of the normal which would make me say that it is entropic. I really like the ides that they are having it on vinyl as well as CD and how is spreads over cross-media sites, and how the MP3 part is out before the CD and vinyl. Another thing that I liked about this advert is how they have their website at the bottom just in a small size. I like the colours that have been used and how it gives it an old look to it. I quite like how at the very bottom of the advert it has a logo of either the publisher or the record label. There is absolutely no star image in this advert as there is only the one image which is the background.
Digi-pak Research
The song that I am doing for my music video is called 'Fly Away' and I think that the song falls into the indie/pop genre and this is the keep of style in which that I shall be looking at for the digipak.
This digipak is for Mumford & Sons who fall into the Indie genre. I really like the style of this digipak, as it is simple yet effective. I would say that this digipak is very much redundant rather then entropic as there is nothing strange about the picture, but also it is very appropriate for the target audience. I like the fact that they have kept with just a few colours, the white and black, it doesn't over complicate things and has a nice feel to it like the band. Another thing that I thought was good with this digipak is how they have a symbol on the one side and it is also on the CD. I also like the positioning of the artists in the windows and how the one on the bottom right is in a different position to the rest, which could be connoting their unique style. I would say that the target audience for this digipak are individualists and are about C1 on the jicnar scale. Another thing that I liked about this digipak is the font style and how it is all in capitals, I also like the fact that the CD is just plain black.
This digipak is by the group called Coldplay. What I liked about this digipak is the simplicity of the two sides and how they have stuck to the 2 colours. I also liked the 4 images of the band and the camera angles they have used and the lighting. The use of the lighting in the four images of the band members is showing a rather rock style to it, and I really like the fact that the one is in black and white. I really like the layout of the songs and how they have 2 dots in between each one. Another thing that I liked about this digipak is how the front cover relates to the lyrics in the song. I found it quite interesting how they have two names to the album, one of which is one of there songs, as they are trying to promote it. From the pictures that they have used you get the sense that they are from an pop/indie genre. On my digipak, like this one, I would like to have a bit of writing about the copyright and a bar-code for my target audience. I really like how they have used colour in different various ways in the four pictures and how the bottom right picture looks like sepia. The setting that they have used looks like just one of their performances and it is a close-up of each individual.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Feedback from Tristan
The feedback that we got from Tristan was that he wasn't too sure about the target audience being both mainstream and indie, so I have decided to keep it to a more indie style of target audience. Tristan also said about trying to give it an old feel to it, so could try using a sepia effect. For the location of the train station our first idea was to use Worcester Forgate street, but then Tristan thought that it was a very nice train station to film in and he suggested Great Malvern Station, which is a well known station.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Feedback from The Pitch
I thought that the feedback sheets were very useful and there have been some good comments. Here are some of the questions that were answered and the answers to them.
Originality of the idea?-
'Kind of a cliché story but an interesting twist with the use of flashbacks.'
'Doesn't sound the most original, sounds a good idea nonetheless.'
'Maybe add a twist? Could come across a bit redundant? Like the happy idea.'
'Doesn't sound the most original, sounds a good idea nonetheless.'
'Maybe add a twist? Could come across a bit redundant? Like the happy idea.'
Comments on the technical aspect of the idea- Does it sound achievable with the college equipment?
'Yes, really like your cinematography ideas. Fast paced editing.'
'Yes, but how will you be able to set up the lighting in the station?'
'Lighting-lot of it? Happy vibe.'
Does the idea sound realistic?
'Sounds like a very professional video idea.'
'Sounds really good for video and digipak.'
Comments on suitability for stated target audience-
'Sounds like it will suit the target audience fine.'
'Suitable for audience- song is more individual than mainstream but I think the narrative will entice a mainstream audience too.'
'Perfectly suitable for target audience.'
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Creativity-Art Styles
We have looked at some art styles today for example, Op Art, Cubism, Pop Art, Dadaism and Art Nouveau. I found Op Art interesting, and how they did the optical illusion from just a painting. I think that it could be quite difficult to put this in a music video.I quite liked the look of Cubism and how it could be used in a music video. I really like how they have used cubism in this video, and how they have transferred it onto the body.
Initial ideas/genre
Here is a prezi of some of the ideas that bot myself and Maris thought of when we listened to the song, but there are also some ideas from a group discussion that we did, when we all listened to everybody's song and just wrote ideas down. We also thought about the type of genre that the music is.
Permission from Ronin
Here is the email that I sent to Ronin to ask for there permission to use there song, and I also asked if they had any ideas about what the video would look like if they had one. They gave me some good feed back which I shall think about when I start on the ideas.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Choice of Music
When it came to making a decision about what music we would like to use, I knew that I wanted it to be a local person so that if we wanted to use them in our video for anything then it is easy to get hold of them and meet up with them. The way in which that I found the band was through my Dad as he knows a lot of the local bands and has some times sold some of their music in his shop. I actually got a few samples from my Dad and listened to them to see which one stood out at me. I looked at three different CD's two were by the same band called East Of The Sun and the other one was by a band called Ronda.
I then got given another CD from my Dad as the band went into his shop and dropped of a CD for me to look at, the band is called Ronin and I have decided to use there song for my music video.
I then got given another CD from my Dad as the band went into his shop and dropped of a CD for me to look at, the band is called Ronin and I have decided to use there song for my music video.
Andrew Goodwin's Analytical Framework
This video is an Amplifying video because the song is called 'Move Like Jagger' and we say lots of different people dancing/Moving like Mick Jagger would. At one point in the video there is a strong beat and the video flicks between two images on the beat. The mode of address in the music video has nothing to do with them telling us a story and us listening.
In this music video I don't think that it contains a narrative and that most of the video is performance. As there is no narrative to this video therefore there is no similarity to a TV advertisement.
The editing in this video is very fast as when there are cuts it tends to be on a beat and this song is quite an up to beat song. After the first chorus there is a lot of fast editing and flicking back and forth from two images which retains the ambiguous element to enable repeated viewing. The mise en scene is very obvious in this video as what the people are dong in the video is very much related to the song title. We also see a big 'M' behind the dancers and the singer, which could be for a lot of things. It could be for Maroon 5 or Mick Jagger.
This music video very much fulfils my expectations of a music video for this genre. As the music itself is very up to beat and so is the video. The visuals illustrate in this music what the song title is all about. Right at the start of the video there is a shot of a women holding a .......... which signifies the start of the audio.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Redundancy and Entropy
Redundancy is something that is predictable in a message, and it can either have a high redundancy or a low redundancy. For example an image of two police man is highly redundant as there is nothing unexpected about it. Redundancy is necessary in order to make effective communications with people.
Entropy is something that is unpredictable, and it tends to make an image more interesting. If a text is entropic then it contains unpredictable elements. Like redundancy you can also have a high entropic message or a low entropic message.
I would say that this music video is slightly more redundant then it is entropic. The reason why I think this is because the video is of people dancing like the song title suggests which isn't unpredictable at all. I also think that it is a bit of entropic because the main singer hasn't got a top on and some of the changes between colour and black and white makes it more interesting to the viewer.
Entropy is something that is unpredictable, and it tends to make an image more interesting. If a text is entropic then it contains unpredictable elements. Like redundancy you can also have a high entropic message or a low entropic message.
I would say that this music video is slightly more redundant then it is entropic. The reason why I think this is because the video is of people dancing like the song title suggests which isn't unpredictable at all. I also think that it is a bit of entropic because the main singer hasn't got a top on and some of the changes between colour and black and white makes it more interesting to the viewer.
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